The history of soil brick press machine

Author:Edith L  Views:3188  Updatetime:March 30, 2022
The history of soil brick press machine
The first soil brick press machine, CINVA RAM press was invented in the 1950s by the Chilean engineer Raul Ramirez. After that it was developed to various of manual press, semi-auto press and fully automatic soil brick press machines.
Sinva Ram soil brick press machine

Another remarkable revolution is on the 1980s, interlocking soil bricks were made which reduced the use of cement drastically. With these interlocking bricks, building costs were reduced considerably. These bricks make great contributions on improving people’s living conditions.

soil bricks samples
After earthquake on 25th April, 2015, many people in Nepal were beginning to rebuild their houses by these interlocking bricks. It helps thousands of people have their new houses.
interlocking brick house

Manual press 
modern soil brick press machine

Semi-auto press 
semi-auto interlock soil brick press machine

Fully automatic soil brick press machines
Fully automatic soil brick press machine

If you want to know more information about interlock brick machine, please feel free to contact us!
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